What we already know:
- Wayward Pines, under the rule of Jason Higgins and the First Generation, has become dangerously low on resources - they're nearly starving to death, are running low on medicine and only have enough cryo chambers to send 48% of the surviving population back to sleep.
- They can't regrow crops inside the Fence because there is something wrong with the soil underneath Wayward Pines.
- At the beginning of the season, a revolution was being staged by Ben Burke, Xander and a few others to rise up against the First Generation. Ben Burke is presumed dead after having been exiled by Jason, but Xander has a few stolen weapons that the remaining rebels can use to fight, if necessary.
- Rebecca Yedlin helped design Wayward Pines. She and Adam Hassler, who did not die in the wilderness during Season 1, had deduced that the Abbies, led by the super-smart Margaret, are digging tunnels underneath the Fence.
- Rebecca and Xander were married in Wayward Pines before Rebecca's real husband, Theo, showed up. Rebecca and Xander are now separated, but we learned that she is pregnant with Xander's baby. Theo isn't thrilled.
- Margaret broke free from the Complex, killed Mrs. Fisher (yay!) and has recovered enough from her injuries to lead the army of Abbies against humanity. The Abbies are bent on destroying the humans because of a long-standing grudge against David Pilcher, who, unprovoked, killed many of the original Settlement Abbies in order to clear room for the construction of Wayward Pines.
- Jason plans on putting the citizens of Wayward Pines back to sleep until the Abby uprising dies down, but, as previously mentioned, there aren't enough functioning pods to protect everyone in the town.
- Dr. Theo Yedlin has become what many believe to be the new leader of Wayward Pines. His leadership and medical expertise have set him at odds with Jason throughout the season and Theo refuses to spend any more time being ruled by a spoiled brat.
- In Episode 9, a shocking revelation came to light - that Kerry Campbell gave birth to Jason Higgins before being abducted and sent to Wayward Pines. Jason was awoken years before Kerry and had no idea of their relationship. Pilcher told Kerry that he sent her son to Texas, so she was also unaware. When Jason discovered the shocking truth (that he had been in a romantic, intimate relationship with the woman who gave birth to him), he and Kerry got into a scuffle and a gun was fired. Both Kerry and Jason collapsed, bleeding, on top of the miniature model of Wayward Pines inside Pilcher's old office - but who got shot? And who will survive? Only time will tell...
Wayward Points:
- The episode begins with Jason being rushed to the ER at the hospital. Kerry appears to be fine - a little bloody, but well enough to walk herself to the hospital, apparently. Theo quickly begins surgery on Jason, extracting the bullet from inside him, but too much damage has been done to Jason's lungs and, without proper medical supplies to aid in the procedure, Theo pronounces Jason Higgins dead. Kerry watches in horror.
- Theo assumes leadership of Wayward Pines, promising safety to its citizens and encouraging them to honor Jason by fulfilling their fallen leader's dying wish - that the town survive.
- Oscar (shut up) accuses Theo of intentionally skipping steps in the procedure to save Jason's life.
- Oscar realizes that Jason and Kerry have the same rare blood type. Theo realizes that this means Kerry was Jason's mother. He breaks the news to Kerry and she proceeds to vomit into a garbage can.
- CJ suggests that Jason's plan for saving citizens be followed: save intact families first (two parents and all children) - this would account for about 300 of the 571 functioning pods - then children, leaving behind "non-essential" adults, in order to better control any unforseen turmoil. CJ suggests saving the 571 first without telling the others that they will not be receiving a cryo pod.
- Jason already made decisions about who should be saved, despite Theo's belief that selection should be made randomly. CJ believes Jason's plan should be followed, but he explains to Theo that there are 300 cryo pods that are currently occupied that could be emptied to free up more space for current citizens, if necessary.
- Frank and Lucy are separated into two different extraction groups. Frank is restrained by force as Lucy's bus drives away. Rebecca and Xander are also separated. When Rebecca protests, the guard says their separation "has something to do with the sequencing of the pod room."
- As night falls, we see that Arlene and Xander have yet to be rescued. Some rioting and looting begins on Main Street. The chaos spreads to the checkpoint outside the Complex. One of the extraction guards at the gate gets his throat slashed and citizens begin banging on the gate. CJ fires a gun into the air to disperse the mob.
- Theo rescues Frank and Xander from their impending extinction and alcohol addictions. Arlene, who was not initially selected, is allowed entry to take the pod of the extraction guard who was murdered at the gate. She greets Theo with a big ol' kiss on the lips.
- CJ greets Kerry at the Complex, explaining that her inappropriate relationship with Jason was not her fault. "We all believed in things here that weren't real," he says. He explains that Kerry survived Pilcher and Jason because of all of her positive qualities and encourages her to use those things for "good" the next time she wakes up. However,
- Theo discovered at some point that David Pilcher had access to three types of deadly bacteria - the kind that cause bubonic plague, typhoid and the Marburg virus. Theo intends to inject himself with all three viruses, wait until the incubation period is over and then walk outside the Fence to sacrifice himself to the Abbies, thus infecting the Abbies and wiping them out swiftly. He estimates that one-third to half of the Abbies would die from the bubonic plague, alone, and the rest would be killed by the other two viruses.
- When Kerry left the line at sanitation, she went to the medical bay, where she discovered Theo's voice recording, explaining his plot to destroy the Abbies. Without Theo's knowledge, Kerry injected herself with all three viruses, saving Theo's life and sacrificing herself for "good."
- CJ initiates cryostasis at the Complex. After everyone enters their pods, CJ's wife appears to him in vision, again asking, "Was it a mistake?" CJ appears ready to decide on "pod termination," whatever that means, but ultimately decides to continue cryostasis, setting a timer for 60 seconds and ultimately entering a pod of his own.
- Kerry is shown leaving the city limits through the Fence, injected with three viruses and some morphine to make her immune to pain.
- As the episode (and season) comes to a close, we are shown a glimpse of a family of Abbies, including a mother with a brand new infant in her arms.

What we learned:
- The Settlement of Abbies is much larger than we had previously seen. They've got an entire dang civilization out there!
- There were over 300 people who were never awoken from cryo-sleep.
- Kerry knew that Pilcher changed her file, but did not know that Jason was her son.
- Frank and Lucy's last name is Armstrong.
- We learned more about Theo's abduction: He was once asked (by Sheriff Pope in Hawaii) whether he would save 1,000 lives if he had the chance. Then, Theo says, "some crazy nurse drugged me, kidnapped me and brought me here."
- Theo assumes that Pilcher was saving the viruses for some eventual form of germ warfare.
- One small soil sample was shown at CJ's harvester headquarters with plants growing out of the dirt, so apparently whatever he was doing was about to yield results, but it's too late to do anything about that now.
Wayward Lines:
- Voice over P.A.: "Attention, citizens of Wayward Pines: extraction teams are on their way. Gather your families and your belongings. Only take with you what is essential for survival. Those who have not been picked up, remain calm. Shuttles will be coming back for the next group shortly. Reminder: once you do leave, you will not be returning home."
- Theo: "Time of death, 0-7-3-3."
- Theo: "I know that many of us did not ask to be here. I know I didn't."
- Oscar: "You never make mistakes... Was that on purpose, Dr. Yedlin?"
- Arlene, to Theo: "I-I just wanted to tell you what a wonderful little speech you made out there and I know you're very busy, but I just wanted to confess to you - I've had a lot of different professionalities in my life. ... I've been a toll booth operator, I've been a hockey mascot, I've been an adult bookstore manager, but, of all those jobs, this has been the most satisfying. I feel like I've really made a difference, and it's all because of you, and I just want to say I feel like I can really make a difference in the future, and I feel like, together, you and I could change humanity." Theo: "Yeah..." Arlene: "I will see you in the mountains. Tally ho! ... I will see you... in the mountains!"
- Theo and CJ, about Jason: "You knew him as a boy." "I did, but I did not know the man he would become."
- CJ, on the consequences of Theo changing Jason's selections: "...For every action, there is an equal, opposite reaction. ... You will be granting a pardon and a death sentence at the same time."
- Kerry and Theo, on Jason's death: "Did he suffer?" "Did you want him to?"
- CJ and Kerry: "Are you all right?" "No."
- Theo to CJ: "We're not saving just one life. We're saving the human race. ... It's completely different."
- CJ to Theo: "You've been saving the world all along, Doctor. You just didn't know it."
- Theo, on a voice recording: "I hope whoever hears this understands this more than I do, but you need to know that David Pilcher was wrong about everything. In an effort to save humanity, he created a town that is ruled by inhumanity - an effort he had no right to undertake."
- Theo, on a voice recording: "There is no greater good. There's only good, no matter how small the act."
- Frank and Xander: "I wish I was born somewhere else." "Unfortunately, there is no 'somewhere else.'"
- Theo, after rescuing Xander and Frank: "Let's not make a moment of this."
- Arlene to Theo, upon learning she was not selected: "You say hello to the future for me, ok?"
- Xander and CJ: "Are things going to be different?" "They have to be different."
- CJ to Kerry: "You certainly deserve a fresh start."
- Theo: "I guess the future needs ice cream."
- Rebecca to Theo: "We couldn't save our marriage. You can save the town. Only you can."
- Kerry to Theo: "Humanity needs you - and more people like you - in the future... and less people like my son."
- Theo: "Good luck to us all, and hopefully I'll see you all very soon."
The Rules:
- None mentioned specifically, although instructions are given several times over the P.A. speakers, to which the citizens all react quite obediently and calmly.
Wayward Whines:
- When Jason was being rushed to the ER, the gurney he was being carried on was leaking a trail of blood. When Oscar was shown running to get help, there was no blood on the floor. Continuity, people! Come on!
- CJ says Jason wanted intact families to be taken together, however, the extraction team is shown splitting up a family by sending the mother and two kids up to the Complex, while restraining the father, who would be sent up in Group 2. Also, we see that many of the children at Wayward Pines Academy are left behind to be taken later. Not sure I understand... Maybe Theo made changes to Jason's selections?
- Rebecca is afraid of being "alone again" without Xander. She has the least to complain about because, sure, she arrived in Wayward Pines without Theo, but then she got married to Xander in the meantime, so it's not even like she was without a partner for that long, anyway. Pssssh. Rebecca...
- At this point, we must assume that Ben Burke truly did die in the wilderness outside the Fence. Their choice not to show the face of his body when Hassler brought it back to the harvesters (and Theresa) is a bit baffling to me. Like, what? Was Charlie Tahan not available to film a three-second shot that week or something?
Wayward Signs:
- "Wayward Pines Hospital"
- "Proceed through security to medical checkpoint"
- "Procedure: Relinquish personal effects, collect pod suit, change into pod suit, proceed to Sanitation for antiseptic spray"
- "Wayward Pines Academy"
- (Inside Wayward Pines Academy) "You are the future"
- (On school bus) "Emergency Exit: Operates from inside only"
- "Student Council: Sign up here!!"
- "Welcome to Wayward Pines"
- "McGonigles Ice Crea Emporium"
- "PI ES"
- "2 Cryogenics"
- "Pod Termination?"
- "Risk of death: Return to Wayward Pines. Beyond this point you will die."

Easter eggs:
- The voice over the P.A. system in Wayward Pines had always previously been Jason or Kerry (fairly confident in that), but the voice heard at the beginning of this episode was a different man.
- The shot where Theo addresses the crowd outside Wayward Pines Hospital mirrors the shots of Margaret overlooking the Settlement Abbies from high up on the cliff.
- Three paintings of David Pilcher are shown, including the oft-removed painting in Dr. Yedlin's office. Speaking of which, Theo removes the painting one final time, smashing it on a desk and sending shattered glass across the office.
- CJ asks Kerry if she is all right. She responds by saying no. This mirrors the same question and response posed by Kerry and Jason in Episode 9 (see "Wayward Lines" section).
- As he is rescued by Theo, Xander grabs one last Wayward Vine from his store.
- Theo mentions ice cream!
- The sign at the Fence that says "Risk of death: Return to Wayward Pines. Beyond this point you will die." is shown in the closing moments of the pilot episode in Season 1.

Who survived?
- The following main characters were shown in pod suits and entering cryo pods at the Complex: Xander, Rebecca, Frank, Lucy, Arlene, Oscar, Theo, CJ

What we don't know:
- Did Theo's plan for Kerry actually work? This would imply that Kerry is dead (she's basically dead either way) and that the Abbies are all going to get fatally infected by the viruses.
- Did CJ fix the soil? And what was wrong with it in the first place? We may never know...
- Where is Adam Hassler? Still out wandering in the wilderness?
- Will there be a Season 3?
RIP Ben Burke
Season 1 - Season 2: Episode 4 (or earlier, presumably)
RIP Jason Higgins
Season 1 - Season 2: Episode 10
RIP Extraction Guard, Molotov Cocktail Rioter and Abandoned Father
Season 2: Episode 10
RIP Kerry Campbell
Season 2: Episode 1 - Episode 10 (presumably)
Well, there you have it! What did you think? I was hoping for a bit more conflict in this finale. I thought there was going to be an all-out war with the Abbies, but it looks like that is either going to have to wait until Season 3 - or perhaps it won't ever be shown at all, depending on when the survivors wake up. Maybe all the Abbies will be dead by then! We finally got the death of Jason, however anticlimactic it may have been. Probably would have been better if Kerry just straight-up shot him like Pam did to Pilcher in the Season 1 finale, but this gave Theo a chance to, technically, "kill him," which is kind of what he wanted to do all season, anyway. I'm glad Theo didn't have to sacrifice himself like Ethan did in Season 1 (RIP, baller), so we can assume that Jason Patric will reprise the role if there is a Season 3. I'm also super happy that Arlene survived. "Tally ho!" (Fun fact: Siobhan Fallon Hogan, the actress who plays Arlene, has now appeared in more episodes than any other character [16], just ahead of Toby Jones' David Pilcher, who has appeared in 15.)
Speaking of Season 3, I'm fairly confident at this point that it will happen next summer, unlike last summer, where we all basically thought that the show was a 10-episode event and was over after its first season. The "Wayward Pines" social media team had been referring to last night's show as the "season finale," as opposed to last year, when they called it the "series finale," so that's a good sign, right? What would you like to see in a potential third season? My prediction is that Theo will save Wayward Pines and give us a happy ending, bringing the show to its actual finale. Season 1 was the mystery, Season 2 was the conflict and Season 3 will be the resolution. It will be interesting to see where "Wayward Pines" goes from here.
Overall, I thought Season 2 was quite good. It started a bit slow and I think I, just like most other viewers, took a little bit of time to get over the fact that Matt Dillon (RIP) was not returning to the show. I thought the reign and fall of Jason Higgins was a good arc to follow and the bomb that Kerry was his mom was the high point of the season, in my opinion. Theo was a baller (though probably not to the extent of Ethan Burke, who is forever a television icon in my mind), and he had some of the best one-liners of the summer. I thought the script and the dialogue, especially, was fantastic, giving me, the Easter Egg Hunter of Easter Egg Hunters, a lot of fun stuff to delve into. I had a great time each week, whether I was transcribing some hilarious Wayward Lines or annoyingly pausing the episode to catch every detail of Kerry's sealed file. Was it better than Season 1? I think probably not. But "Wayward Pines" is undoubtedly a heck of a ride and remains my favorite serialized TV show in recent memory.
How I love my weird little town in Idaho. Thanks for joining me in this year's journey.
Until next season,
Work hard and be happy.