
Friday, September 30, 2022

FanX 22: Timothy Omundson felt "incredibly lucky" for role on "Galavant"

FanX 2022 featured an exciting reunion panel for "Psych" fans, as stars Timothy Omundson and Maggie Lawson joined forces for a laughter-filled chat about pineapples, podcasts and solving cases. However, we at Signs of the Times remember Omundson best for his role as the baddie-turned-bestie, King Richard, on the short-lived musical comedy "Galavant."

Omundson took a few minutes during the panel to reminisce about his "Galavant" gig, with some supportive fangirling from Lawson. Here's what they had to say:

Lawson: How great was Tim on “Galavant?”

Omundson: […] I’ve had such incredible roles to play. To leave “Psych” and then – well, you never “leave ‘Psych’” – but, to have done “Psych” for eight years… well, eight years; 120 episodes; at this point, three movies – of, hopefully, eight… [Audience cheers] …to then get to do “Galavant” was just an embarrassment of riches. Here’s a little secret: I had not done a musical since high school, so I got to work and just, really, I had no idea what I was doing. […] In between hiatuses, I had to double down on singing lessons. I really wanted [to learn how to] sing because I really had no idea – I had no technique, whatsoever. I was in a recording booth with the great Alan Menken. [Audience cheers] He’s done some stuff. …and I recorded one of my first songs [-] one of my big songs… my big song – I think it’s from the pilot – and I can’t hit the top note. I could sort of see through the recording booth glass, all the producers kind of look at each other, and I immediately [start sweating]. I’m like, “I am getting fired. They’re gonna realize, they’re gonna discover I’m a fraud. I’m gonna get fired immediately.” Alan comes in the booth with me and he’s trying to teach me how to sing, and I’m like, “This is horrible!” So I left the booth that day, trying not to burst into tears, and vowed that I would never let that happen again. On hiatus, I went back and took lessons and learned how to sing, just because I was afraid I was going to get fired. It was the greatest job, second to “Psych,” of my life. Because, I mean, like, riding horses through the countryside of England and Morocco? Come on!

Lawson: I remember that process. You worked so hard. I remember being on a plane back from Vancouver as “Psych” was finishing up. […] I remember saying to you, “You can do whatever you want – what would be your next job?” And you kind of said all of those things that “Galavant” had, before “Galavant” had even come along. [Then] that showed up and I remember that audition process; it went on and on and on, and I remember being like, “He’s gonna get this!”

Omundson: It literally took five months for me to finally get the job. So, at that time, every human being that my family and I knew, knew I was up for this role, and I was like, “This could be so embarrassing if I don’t get this job.” But the […] network had a big English movie star in line for the role, so they kept putting it off until they’d offered the job to not just one movie star but two. I’m not saying who, but they were British…

Lawson: But they weren’t Timothy Omundson!

Omundson: Thank goodness. So, finally, one of them said, “You’ll have to hypnotize me to sing,” because he was afraid of singing. [“Galavant” creator] Dan Fogelman, right from the get-go, was like, “Don’t worry, you’re my guy. We’ve just got to get the network to let go of this dream with these movie stars.” And, the next thing, I’m on a plane to England!

Lawson: You’re still his guy!

Omundson: I’m so incredibly lucky. So, to go from “Galavant,” then… [sarcastically] Maggie, did you hear that I had a stroke?

Lawson, sarcastically: Wait, what?!

Omundson: Oh yeah, it was in all the papers! I’m ok, though. [Audience laughs, sympathetically]

Lawson: Oh, fantastic! [Audience cheers] You’re the greatest warrior I know!

Omundson: So, to go from that little, massive brain injury to then have my “Psych” family, who rallied behind me like they all did, to build the movies around me, was just… I’m still gob-smacked by it.

A few minutes later, a fan asked Omundson what his favorite song was to perform on "Galavant." Omundson replied, "[It was] probably the song 'Goodnight, My Friend.' It was such a beautiful song. I think that was my favorite song of all. It was a beautiful song, incredibly touching. So, it would probably be that one."


What is your favorite Timothy Omundson role? Have you found all of the hidden pineapples in "Psych"? And, perhaps more importantly, how badly do you think they need to bring "Galavant" back for a third and final season? Let us know in the comments section, on Twitter (here and here) or on Facebook.

As always, keep it here at Signs of the Times for even more FanX fandom.

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