Good afternoon one and all! I have returned from an unexpected absence from this blog. I wish that I could say that I have been too busy to blog or that I have been asked to head a new commission to solve all the world's problems thus preventing me from blogging, but alas, I have simply not taken the time to compose a few thoughts to share in this glorious forum.
So, let me catch up with a few thoughts on a few things.
Government Shutdown, etc. - bunch of whiny little children, trying to boss others around and control the entire sandbox. To them I say, if you can't get along and you can't figure out how to work together, then go home and let someone else take your spot who will. Republican, Democrat, Tea-Partier, Independent, doesn't matter. If you won't take the time to run this country ACCORDING TO THE WILL OF ITS PEOPLE, then get out and let someone in who will.
BYU-Utah Rivalry: I wish I could say that this was a great game, but it wasn't. Congratulations to the Utes on winning the game, but it was ugly every which way you look at it. Neither team looked better than the other. Neither team played well. There wasn't really a good flow to it. BYU ran around the field and then did something stupid. Utah tried to run around the field and then made two plays. The refs ran around the field dodging trash.
Let me expound on that last statement. I have been to several of these games. I have seen poor officiating and have seen some great performances come out of these games. Where this rivalry has turned the ugliest is on the fans. There is a select faction of red and blue fans that have ruined this great tradition for the rest of us. These are the ones that have decided that it is ok to mock, ridicule and denigrate their fellow man. During this past game, I saw BYU fans ridiculing Utah fans and the Ute-heritage. NOT ACCEPTABLE! I saw Utah fans dressed up as characters from scripture and mocking sacred belief. NOT ACCEPTABLE! I saw fans from both sides get into arguments with the other. NOT ACCEPTABLE! I saw BYU fans throw trash at the officials because they felt they had cost BYU the game. News to you idiots. BYU put themselves in that position. They are the ones that had to go into desperation mode at the end. Whether a call should have been made or not, doesn't matter. You put yourself in that position, most times, you are not going to win the game.
Ordain Women: This one to me is just sad. Here is a woman who, for all intents and purposes, believes that she has received an answer for the entire Church.
Before I go further, let me make this abundantly clear. I believe that a man and woman are equal. Anyone who believes that a man is greater than a woman or woman greater than a man, stands in violation of God's law. There are things that a man's body is more apt to do (i.e. physical labor) as is a woman's (i.e. child birth.) I believe that, along with the physical make up, that there is a spiritual/emotional make up. A man tends to be more a problem-solver (mostly because we tend to cause a lot of problems.) We see the issue, devise a plan of attack and carry out that plan. (Think Marine's tendency of "See the hill, take the hill.) We have difficulty in expressing emotion or thoughts. We are thinkers, but we just keep it to ourselves. Women have that emotional ability that is simply amazing. There is a natural ability for nurturing and teaching. When any child stubs their toe or scrapes their knee, they immediately want their "Mommy." Women are problem solvers too. (They generally have to clean up the man's mistakes.) They are natural born leaders, teachers, doctors, etc. Their very nature is care, understanding, faithfulness, commitment, determination, drive, and other super-human powers (see. wife/mother in dictionary) I fully believe, and this is a doctrinal point of the Church, that neither the man nor the woman can achieve their fullest potential without the other.
What is sad about this is that this woman does not understand her divine nature, her divine gifts that have been given to her. Gifts that no man has. Gifts that men wish they could understand. This is why, as has been said in this forum before, men have been ordained to the Priesthood; to help us gain that understanding. My wife has every right and claim on the Priesthood in our home as I do. She has every right and ability to call upon Heavenly Father to bless our home, to bless a sick child, to receive revelation for our family. She is as much a leader in our home as I am, if not more. The only difference is that ordination part. Could she do the same things without me in the home, yes. Would it be as complete, no. Can I do the same things in the home without her, yes. Would it be as complete, no. It takes the two of us to accomplish the nurturing, the teaching of our children. It takes both of us to complete the other. The only gift I bring to that of any eternal worth, is my worthiness / righteousness in honoring the Priesthood.
Well, I've pontificated long enough. Thank you for bearing with me as I shared these thoughts. Till next time.