
Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Guest blog: One LDS woman's thoughts about the priesthood

Ordain men. Ordain women. Seems like a “logical” explanation to a few very vocal women belonging to the controversial "Ordain Women" movement. Here is the issue: religious issues are often not logical. Our finite minds often cannot comprehend the infinite mind of Heavenly Father.
As a woman belonging to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I often contemplate the blessings of the priesthood. You might argue that if I am not ordained to the priesthood I do not have ALL of the blessings of the priesthood. That I, as a woman, am not equal to the men in my congregation - but these are blessings that I have complete access to!
Consider this example: I, a faithful female member of the Church, am stranded on an island with my young daughter. My daughter has been injured and is in need of a priesthood blessing. Neither of us has been ordained to the priesthood. Oh no! What do I do now?! 
Well let us think about this LOGICALLY. The priesthood is God’s power on this earth. Okay, how do I call upon the powers of God to help my daughter? I would hold my daughter and pray, with faith, calling upon the powers of God that he would heal my daughter. I would ask him to tell me what I needed to do to help save her. I believe that God would hear my pleas. I believe that, if it were His will, He would heal my child.
What about participating in the ordinances like baby blessings, sacrament, etc.? To me, this question can also be answered. The priesthood is given to men to make up for the characteristics women are given by nature. Baby blessings: As a mom, I often feel like I daily receive revelation for my daughter. Through daily prayer and faith, I receive revelation for what my young daughter needs. Through prayer and faith, I am able to ask God to give my daughter the blessings she needs. Sound familiar? Prayer and revelation is one way that women, as mothers, BLESS their children. Mothers do not NEED the priesthood to bless our children. The Sacrament: The sacrament gives the young men in the church to provide service to the members of the ward. Why don’t women get to do this? Because we do not need to. It is in a women’s nature to serve and love people. This doesn't come naturally to all men.
Not being ordained to the priesthood doesn’t mean I don’t have the power of God at my fingertips. Not being ordained to the priesthood doesn't mean I don’t get to ask God to bless my children every single day. Not being ordained to the priesthood doesn't mean I don’t get to serve members of my ward.
What more do these women want?!
As a woman, being a faithful member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints means I do get the same blessings of ordained men because, though I NEED THE PRIESTHOOD, I don’t NEED to be an ORDAINED priesthood holder to obtain these blessings.

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